2013 Red Bull Rampage Top 3 Runs
Get ready to drop into the world's most harrowing downhill freeride mountain bike event, Red Bull Rampage. The best riders in downhill, slopestyle and freeride will compete to see who can claim the title in the ultimate challenge on two wheels.
Run for Nr.2 with Kyle Strait.
©Red Bull Media House
Get ready to drop into the world's most harrowing downhill freeride mountain bike event, Red Bull Rampage. The best riders in downhill, slopestyle and freeride will compete to see who can claim the title in the ultimate challenge on two wheels.
Run for Nr.2 with Kelly McGarry.
©Red Bull Media House
Get ready to drop into the world’s most harrowing downhill freeride mountain bike event, Red Bull Rampage. The best riders in downhill, slopestyle and freeride will compete to see who can claim the title in the ultimate challenge on two wheels.
Run for Nr.3 with Cam Zink.
©Red Bull Media House