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2012 Mont Sainte Anne World Cup Finals By DirtTv

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The Parkins have pulled it out of the bag again with all the action from yesterdays finals in Mont Sainte Anne. Aaron Gwin seems unstoppable on the top of the box but the gaps are getting smaller, Danny Hart came so close and Minaar smashed it to come in 2nd.

A few mechanicals for top riders were unfortunate but can you think how Sick Mick Hannah would have placed had he not lost his chain?

There were also a few big stacks, Neko Mullaly's crash was seen by all and looked horrendous. Nothing is broken though and after a mild concussion he will be back. Gee Atherton also had a massive over the bars in practice breaking the timing beam at 53kph on his head! He pulled a 4th out of the bag, a solid ride.
Check out the action from yesterday right here.

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