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2012 Lyttelton Urban Downhill Official Video

The concept for the Lyttelton Urban Down Hill Race comes from the Red Bull Urban Down Hill in Brazil. There are now several Urban Down Hill races in the world every year. The Red Bull Urban event has had over 2-million You Tube views to date.

The Lyttleton Urban Down Hill Event ran on Saturday March 24th, between 2-6pm on a course from Norton Close to Norwich Quay, a distance of 1.2 Km with a 160m vertical drop. The plan for next years event on 23-3-2013 is already taking shape.... for more details.

Well done to Justin Leov national dh mtb champ and Lyttelton harbour local for taking out first prize with a time of 1min36secs. A full 3secs ahead of ripper Daniel Franks in second.

Thanks to all the riders, sponsors, helpers and people of Lyttelton for making this awesome event happen.

If you like the music check out more of Civilian Sol's stuff go buy it! :)

Produced by

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