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At Home With Remy Absalon

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"This where I grew up, this is here where I’ve learned everything, where my roots are.

At the very beginning I had to learn all techniques, I Had to work all of them and everything is a art of me and is connected. The spririt of mountain Biking, my motivation. As a professional or in a more casual way the pleasure of rinding is always here, winning is a plus, you reach and go beyond your limits to record the best time you can and the technique, the skills are not an option at this level.

That’s all I love, searching for strong emotions, to excel yourself, to rediscover yourself and connect with nature here and elsewhere."

  • Réalisation/Montage : Nicolas DEBIN
  • Image : Pierre CHANTRY, Julien HOCQUET, Nicolas DEBIN
  • Co-Production : Mediacut -
  • Cablecam : Nicolas RENAUD, Cédric ROBIN
  • CDP et Logistique : Nicolas DELAMOTTE
  • Riders : Rémy ABSALON, Gwen FOUCHE, Jérémy ARNOULD

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