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2012 VCA Drift Innovation

Better Late than Never, here is the Recap with the best shots from the Valparaiso Cerro Abajo 2012 edition, with action footage, interviews and the final ceremony. As usual, this event is one of the most radical and exiting to enjoy live or thru a screen. Happy to have 4 Drift HD's on the top 5. For this edition all the riders were impressed on how much viewers was at the side of the track, and how they get crazy with any stunt they make on the jumps. Happy for Chile, this year the first place was for the chilean Mauricio Acuña, followed by Filip Polc, Cedric Gracia, Marcelo Gutierrez and Antonio Leiva, in that order.


1: Mauricio Acuña 02:38,25

2: Filip Polc 02:39,06

3: Cedric Gracia 02:40,75

4: Marcelo Gutierrez 02:40,77

5: Antonio Leiva 02:41,01

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