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Scott Bikes Welcomes Geoff Kabush

When one of our all-time favourite Canuck athletes and his new team-to-be came to us and asked for a little help putting out the announcement regarding where he was headed for the upcoming season, we jumped in. Originally engaged to shoot photo stills to support the press release and associated collateral, we pitched SCOTT - 3 Rox Racing with an expanded engagement to add video, hoping to give Geoff's fans a better idea of what he's about, how his decision came about and where he'll be focusing his attention in the coming year(s).

Shot on location at Cinderbloc Studio and while the sun was setting along some of Victoria, BC's lesser ridden [read between the lines here] singletrack. Big ups to Geoff and SCOTT - 3 Rox - we'll be hollering from the sidelines.

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