2012 BMR 1 6 Hours Of T#$%!

Today was the first race for the 2012 BMR series. It was held on a steep rock filled trail. This is the downhill trail you earn. You do not take a car ride to the top. You have 1400 very steep and rocky vertical feet to push your downhill bike up. The push up goes almost straight of the hill with only a few small switchbacks thrown in.

This is a technically demanding trail for sure. The descent is steep, loose and rock filled. Having the race set up in a 6 hour format scared off a good number of riders. About 10 riders total showed and of those about 6 did more than one run. The race was not only timing DH times but also ascending times. In the end it was decided that the winner would be chosen not by times but by the number of laps completed.

Video courtesy of Kevin Pabinquit
Overall the turnout for the race was good. Some people were comfortable with one run while others kept cranking out the laps. The climb up 1400 vertical feet is for sure tiring. So being able to hold it together for a 5 minute rock filled steep descent was on everyone's mind. I will have images loaded soon guys find results below.
"We had an awesome turnout of 20 riders with almost perfect weather conditions. Niels G. took the fastest recorded time with 5:20 even though Leland probably put down even faster times borrowing Kyle's V10 and wearing an XC helmet for the race. Leland said he didn't care about his DH times since he already holds the record on the trail with a sub 5 minute time. Leland was out to beat his goal of 6 laps which he did with a total of 7 and time to spare on the clock. Jordan Smith had the fastest uphill time with a 24:15, but unfortunately had took a spill on his first run which was luckily the only injury of the day. Each loop was roughly 3 and a quarter miles with a little over 1,300' of elevation as well meaning our champ Leland did over 9,000' of pushing a 40 pound bike up a steep hill and then riding another 9,000' of nastiness on the way down. Props dude."
Name/Laps/Fastest/DH Fastest/Uphill
1. Leland O. 7 25:00
2. Kevin P. 5 8:18 32:30
3. Daniel B. 4 6:06 30:30
4. Greg H. 4 7:20 31:00
5. Niels G. 3 5:20* 30:00
6. David M. 3 6:45 32:00
7. Alex C. 3 10:00 33:40
8. Mark H. 3 10:00 40:45
9. Pat G. 2 6:52 31:00
10. Ryan C. 2 6:20 35:45
11. Chris L. 2 15:50 32:00
12. Jordan S. 1 24:15*
13. Cory S. 1 7:45
14. Matt G. 1 8:15 46:00
15. Brian W. 1 First time riding the trail!!
16. Ryan T. 1 26:00
17. Max R. 1 34:00
18. Josef D. 1
19. Tom D. 1
20. Owen R. 1 who cares? nobody

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