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2013 Australian National Series Round 1 At Mount Buller

Under 19 Female:

1. Tegan Molloy 4.09.65

2. Danielle Beecroft 4.14.19 + 4.54

3. Elle Wale 5.33.05 + 1.18.86

Under 19 Male:

1. Thomas Crimmins 3.27.91

2. Dean Lucas 3.29.66 + 1.75

3. Luke Ellison 3.30.39 + 2.48

4. Aiden Varley 3.32.52 + 4.61

5. Ben Hill 3.34.01 + 6.10

Elite Female

1. Caronline Buchanan 4.06.42

2. Claire Buchar 4.07.14 + 0.72

3. Lisa Mathison 4.16.32 + 9.90

4. Madeline Taylor 4.23.80 + 17.38

5. Shelly Flood 4.42.75 + 36.33

Elite Male

1. Sam Hill 3.22.02

2. Chris Kovarik 3.23.68 + 1.66

3. Connor Fearon 3.24.08 + 2.06

4. Ben Cory 3.26.31 + 4.29

5. Graeme Mudd 3.27.66 +5.64


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