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2012 Teva Best Trick Showdown

Jordie Lunn Wins Session One And Tom van Steenbergen Takes Session Two

WHISTLER, BC August 16, 2012 – Today’s Teva Best Trick Showdown at Crankworx Whistler had all the ingredients for an awesome competition; sunshine, steeze and lots of cold hard cash. The riders brought their bag of tricks and laid them all out for the huge crowd assembled at the bottom of the Joyride course.

In Session One everyone was just getting warmed up when Jordie Lunn launched a huge cork 720. Lunn’s trick held it’s own against impressive tricks from slope riders including Martin Soderstrom, Yannick Granieri and Thomas Genon. For his efforts early on in the game Lunn rode away with $4,000.

At Session Two of the Teva Best Trick Showdown the riders stepped things up at the Bud Light Cabin step down. Tom van Steenberger executed a front flip tuck no hander to take home the $4,000 on the second feature of the event.

The Teva Best Trick Showdown is a peer-judged, two-session, best trick jam where the winner of each session comes away with $4,000. With the riders getting more mileage in on the Joyride course and getting dialed in on the jumps they will be good and ready to unleash their talents to the world on Saturday, August 18 at the Red Bull Joyride.

Tomorrow’s action at Crankworx Whistler includes more slopestyle with the Red Bull Joyride Qualifiers getting underway at 1:30-3pm. Then from 6-8pm the GIANT Dual Slalom will showcase exciting head to head race action at the base of the Whistler Mountain Bike Park. Both events will be live webcast at

The village-wide expo and demo zone will also be hopping so make sure to check out the Jeep® Rocks and Roads course where visitors will be able to experience the vehicle's unparalleled capabilities while manipulating obstacles that demonstrate the wild ride that only Jeep® can deliver. The course and on-road test drive includes a stability ramp, a boulder crawl, a log pile and a 16-foot dirt mountain to demonstrate traction. The test drive area will run until August 19, 2012.

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