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2012 Intense Uzzi

The Uzzi has been our big travel ‘do it all’ bike for over 10 Years.  And over the years it has evolved into a very well refined long travel ‘all mountain’ bike. Just like the name suggests, the Uzzi is the weapon of choice for you to annihilate everything in your path.  Rocks, drops, corners, rubble, stubble, roots, toaster sized boulders, what ever gets in your way.  You will be victorious.  And just like all VPP bikes, it pedals like a dream.  To call it the ‘Swiss Army knife’ is an understatement.  Highlights include the 65-66 steering angle suited for faster cornering and greater control, refined suspension travel characteristics to suit all riders, and a re-engineered rear end to increase lateral stiffness without compromising the compliant feel that gives the superior ride quality Intense is so well known for.

We at Intense are constantly bombarded with requests from loyal patrons to release this bike, there are so many people that ‘love’ the Uzzi.

2012 Intense Uzzi


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