
Entries in Zerode G1 (35)


Rider Preview Reuben Olorenshaw

Rider Preview | Reuben Olorenshaw on

We've begun shooting the rider segments for This Is New Zealand. This is the preview for Reuben Olorenshaw. Look out for information on our Facebook page This is the first of many shoots that will go into the production of this full length film, so keep an eye out for more!


Justin Brigandi Of Fast Line Racing Aboard The Zerode G-1

Justin Brigandi on the Zerode G1 from Jason Scheiding on Vimeo.

Fast Line Racing Rider Justin Brigandi getting some quality time in on the Zerode G1, after this run, he was speechless, the bike is just that good.


2012 Boxxer/Zerode Team At The Australian National Championships In Adelaide

National Champs glory evaded us this year; Tim and Henry both had runs that were not their best and placed 12th and 8th respectively. Far from bad results, but also not what they were aiming for or capable of; some days, it just doesn't go your way.

Marcus was fast in the final, and looking back through the times was 7th at the intermediate split, but unfortunately put it into the dirt 2/3rds track distance, he recovered and pedalled hard through to the finish to salvage a 16th position.

As they say, 'that's racing', and we'll be back again to take another shot at it next year.


Boxxer/Zerode Team Nationa Champs Course Ride With Tim Eaton


Zerode G-1 In Rotorua

Zerode G1 in Rotorua from Gregg Brown on Vimeo.

This is shot by Stumpy Falconer featuring James Dodds (Dodzy) riding the new Zerode on the Taniwha Trail in Whaka Forest, Rotorua