Intothedust Andreu Lacondeguy's Memories
INTOTHEDUST - ANDREU LACONDEGUY'S MEMORIES A Mountain Biking video by Blackmedia Crew.
BLACKMEDIA CREW proudly present the last Andreu Lacondeguy short film. INTO THE DUST Andreu Lacondeguy's memories Barcelona, October 2011. Broken bones, dirty faces, bruised bodies, bruised with pride. A natural reaction to apathy.This is andreu's obsession, the track he is on. The limit, in between making it possible or not. That empty space which separates a hero from the rest. This film is exactly about that, about a person attempting for something big. it's not about winning or losing, it's about giving it a try and about surviving the RedBull Rampage. One year later BLACKMEDIA CREW has joined forces in order to present Andreu Lacondeguy's personal tapes. After having worked extremely hard on recovering and clasifying hours of raw material, we were able to reconstruct the hours just before the RedBull Rampage and in that way managed to get inside the body of one of freeride's greatest legends. This film is not just a documentary on the world's biggest free ride event, it's the story right from inside the trench, from the backline. It's a story told in the first person. Written in blood... a real declaration of values.

From The Inside Out Official Trailer
From the Inside Out Trailer from SecondBase Films on Vimeo.
Many past films, riders, and locations have inspired us. Some of those locations are now our backyards, and some of those riders are now our friends. From the Inside Out is our adventure to the places we've always wanted to ride, and our expression of the lines and styles that have influenced us. This is freeride mountain biking. This film is from us – the riders. Written, directed and edit by The Coastal Crew and produced by Anthill Films, From the Inside Out was filmed entirely in British Columbia, the birthplace of freeride, and features some of the sport's best riders, including: Brandon Semenuk, Steve Smith, Thomas Vanderham, Matt Hunter, Graham Agassiz, Mike Hopkins, Kenny Smith & The Coastal Crew.
Available on Special Edition DVD + BluRay and iTunes December 1st, 2011.

Two Of A Kind
Something a bit different. A short film featuring Ross and Stuart Wilcox. Produced, direced and edited - Dominic Simmons. Co-producer - Christopher Gallagher.

Stund Season 3 Episode 4
Episode 4 takes us from the Sunshine Coast to the alpine ridges and slopes of the Purcell Mountains for some true Freeriding! Panorama Mountain Resort hooked us up for a few days while we shredded the mountain and found some super fast alpine single track. Once we had our fill we went on a search for some serious big mountain lines deep into valleys of the Purcell Mtn. range. Local legend and DropIn season 1 star Byron Grey joined us for a day of shredding in his back yard and keep us laughing the whole time.